Aqua Aura Flush

Founder :

Embark on a transformative journey with the Aqua Aura Crystal’s Twin Aqua and Golden Rays in this Energetic Flush. Gently yet powerfully cleansing the entire auric field, the flush disperses negative blockages, strengthens aura layers, and attracts positivity and abundance. Experience a heightened sense of presence and a calming effect on the fight-or-flight response, making it ideal for those dealing with panic, anxiety, or phobias.

Author: Raine Hilton


Experience the transformative power of the Aqua Aura Crystal with the Twin Aqua and Golden Rays in this new Energetic Flush. Meticulously crafted to be both gentle and potent, this flush is designed to cleanse the entire auric field. The Aqua Ray, embedded within the High Vibrational Crystalline Structure of the Aqua Aura Crystal, offers cleansing, refreshing, and revitalizing properties, effectively dispersing negative blockages. Simultaneously, the Golden Ray fortifies individual aura layers, enhancing resilience and attracting positivity and abundance into all aspects of life. By opening channels for higher energetic alignments and grounding these energies into the physical body, the flush fosters a heightened sense of presence in daily life. A notable benefit includes the ability to calm the fight-or-flight response, making it particularly valuable for individuals dealing with panic, anxiety, or phobias.


  • Utilizes Twin Aqua and Golden Rays in Aqua Aura Crystal
  • Gentle yet powerful auric field cleansing
  • Dispersion of negative blockages
  • Strengthening individual aura layers
  • Attraction of positivity and abundance
  • Calming effect on fight-or-flight response

Objectives: The primary objectives of this Energetic Flush are to cleanse, refresh, and revitalize the entire auric field using the Twin Aqua and Golden Rays. By dispersing negative blockages and strengthening individual aura layers, the flush aims to enhance positivity, abundance, and a sense of grounded presence in daily life.


  • Cleansing, refreshing, and revitalizing properties
  • Dispersal of negative blockages
  • Strengthening of individual aura layers
  • Attraction of positivity and abundance
  • Calming effect on fight-or-flight response
  • Support for issues hindering a fulfilling life

Key Features:

  • Utilization of Twin Aqua and Golden Rays
  • High Vibrational Crystalline Structure of Aqua Aura Crystal
  • Gentle and potent energetic flush
  • Grounding of higher energetic alignments
  • Support for panic, anxiety, and phobias
  • Meditation exercises for additional support

How It Works: The Energetic Flush operates by harnessing the transformative properties of the Aqua Aura Crystal, utilizing the Twin Aqua and Golden Rays. The Aqua Ray cleanses, refreshes, and revitalizes the auric field, dispersing negative blockages. Simultaneously, the Golden Ray strengthens individual aura layers, attracting positivity and abundance. By grounding higher energetic alignments, the flush promotes a heightened sense of presence and calms the fight-or-flight response.


  • Energetic Flush
  • Aqua Aura Crystal
  • Twin Aqua and Golden Rays
  • Auric Field Cleansing
  • Positivity and Abundance
  • Grounding Higher Energetic Alignments

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Raine Hilton





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