Munay-Ki is a system that comprises of nine great rites of the medicine way. The word Munay means “I love you as you are and therefore this system works very well with those who feel the desire to attract more love into your life. The Munay-Ki are the nine gates that heal and transform our human energy field into that of homo luminous which is the next step in our evolution. We are being born with these aspects of our luminous energy field, but the momentum of our culture weakens and distorts them. The Munay-Ki reawakens and strengthens the new luminous architecture so that we can more effectively dream our new world into being and live our daily lives in the ways that we truly prefer.
The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet – one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. They are delivered in the form of energetic transmissions from teacher to student. The nine initiations of the Munay-Ki have only been available until recently to the high wisdom keepers of the Americas. For a period of time, they could only be transmitted directly from spirit, the purely energetic worlds, to the few who lived with extraordinary dedication and sacrifice but now the rites can be transmitted from human to human as we approach this critical leap in our evolution. These energetic rites are now also being made available through distant connection in order for them to be spread throughout the world in order to aid in humankinds spiritual evolution to a level of pure love and peace.
As you receive the Munay-Ki rites, your chakras will clear and you will acquire what the Laika call “The Rainbow Body”. This is where your chakras glow with their original radiance bringing balance and harmony to your entire chakra system. Remember that each of the chakras has a unique color, and when they are shining with their original light, they emit the colors of the rainbow. When they are dulled by trauma from this and previous lifetimes, our LEF acquires a grayish hue and our chakras become pools of psychic sewage. As soon as you acquire a rainbow body, the luminous Earth keepers can reach out to us because they recognize that we share a common vision and calling. When this happens, and if you’ve developed the ability to see into the invisible world, you can discern the former physical forms of these luminous ones. Sometimes, people will perceive these ancient Earth keepers as Native American elders, wearing robes from Asia or furs from Siberia, or even feathers from the Amazon. Sometimes you’ll be able to perceive their thoughts and feelings. However you perceive them you will gain a unique spiritual connection to their wisdom and their stories. Eventually, as you experience the 7th, 8th, and 9th initiation, you can download a new and better version of the software that informs the LEF, which will then inform your DNA, giving it instructions on how to create a new body that will age, heal, and die differently. There’s nothing you need to do to attract these luminous Earth keepers. They will come to you when you invite them to do so and are ready to receive them. When the student is ready, the master appears. They will not disturb you in any way, but are available to support you in your efforts to bring a bit more light and healing into the world. They are also there to protect you from the negativity and fearful energies in the world today.
The Nature of the Luminous Beings
These luminous ones are our medicine lineage. They are believed to be humans who rose to the level of angels. Some are in bodies, some are in spirit form, but all have a mandate to protect those who are looking after the well-being of the planet. They are the finest spiritual allies anyone can have, and they provide us with knowledge on how one becomes earth angels. This is what the prophecies of the Laika mean when they tell us that we have the potential to become Homo luminous. We can develop the luminous energy fields of the angelic realms within our lifetime. The Munay-Ki also offer us the energetic keys to do this. When we evolve into homo luminous, we no longer have to call on the angels and archangels to help us find a parking spot or our fortunes, because we start to become like them. Remember that in the Bible, God said, “Behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.” As we become Earth keepers, we join the ranks of the angelic realms, who come from many different worlds and were the original souls present after Creation. They don’t cycle through bodies as we do, because they don’t need a corporeal form, as they don’t need to learn and grow during an existence in the material world. They have everlasting life, and are the keepers of many worlds in many galaxies.
The Munay Ki Initiation Rites
The training of the Earth keepers has an energetic component, a series of initiations that help to develop a new architecture in our luminous energy field. The rites anchor each of the critical junctures in the process of becoming homo luminous. The nine rites are the sum total of attunements that we go through as we transit from the body of a human to the body of angels (Please Note that this does not mean you become an Angel or that you are better than anyone else) These rites were first given to ancient teachers by angelic beings, and now are passed on from teacher to student. When an Earth keeper gifts the Munay-Ki to a student, it is the lineage of luminous beings that transmits itself, that leaps from the head of the master to the student. To transfer this energetic information, the keeper simply maintains a sacred space and embodies the vibration of the level they want to transmit. While you can’t undergo these initiations on your own as soon as you receive them you are able to transmit them to others. There is however one caveat. The rites are offered for FREE. This however does not mean that the teachers time is given for free. A fee is charged to coach someone during the changes that they will go through as they receive the rites, but not for the Munay-Ki itself. You are paying for my time as your teacher and to also supply you with your Pi Stone which is purchased and posted to you after your ninth rite.
The Nine Munay-Ki Rites – The Rites can be given in any order. I found giving the Bands of Power first before the Healer Rite brings a more profound healing to mind, body & spirit but you are guided to take them in any order that you are guided.
1st Rite of Initiation
The First rite consists of an energetic transfer to install a basic form of protection into your LEF. These are known as the Bands of Power, and consist of five energetic bands representing earth, air, fire, water, and pure light. These bands are installed within your Luminous energy field, and act as filters, breaking down into one of the five elements any negative energies that come your way so that these energies can feed you instead of making you toxic or ill. The Bands of Power are always turned “on”, resulting in all forms of negative energy to bounce right off them and go directly to the earth where they belong. In a world filled with fear, the bands provide essential protection. [In review they are the black band around the first and second chakra representing earth, the red band of water around the 3rd, the gold band of fire around the 4rth, the silver band of wind around the 5th, the white band of pure spirit around the 6th. Additionally each band has threads that go down into the ground under your feet and are connected to the rainbow glacier and gold and silver rivers from the crown or 7th chakra, holy snow-capped mountain, down the spine and around the tailbone.
2nd Rite of Initiation
The Second rite is called the Healers rite [In Quechua, the Hampe rites]. This rite connects you to the lineage of the Earth keepers. The Earth keepers from the past who come directly to you to assist you in your personal healing. The Laika know that we have tremendous spiritual assistance available to us and it is through these luminous beings working with us during our meditation and sleep time that wounds are healed of your personal and ancestral past.
3rd Rite of Initiation
The Third rite is the Harmony rite [In Quechua, the Ayni Karpay]. During this rite you will receive seven archetypes into each of your chakras. In the first chakra, you receive the archetype of serpent. The Jaguar goes into the second. The Hummingbird into the third and the Eagle into the fourth. Then three archangels enter into your upper three chakras. Huascar Inka, the keeper of the lower world and the unconscious is transmitted into the fifth chakra; Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent God of the Americas, and keeper of the middle world (our waking world) goes into the sixth; and Pachakuti, the protector of the upper world (our super-conscious) and keeper of the time to come goes into the seventh chakra. These archetypes are transmitted into your chakras as seeds. These seeds then germinate with fire where you are required to perform a number of fire meditations to awaken them and help them grow. Afterwards, they help combust the psychic sludge that has built up in your chakras, so that your chakras can shine with their original light as you acquire a rainbow body. This rite helps you to shed your past the way the serpent sheds it’s skin. Here is my description of each of the archetypes. They are like friends that you can call on to help you in any situation.
Important Information about the Harmony Rite – Before the 3rd Rite is sent you need to work with each Archetype Energy for a durating of 14 weeks. This is clearly stated within the Munay Ki manual and is non negotiable. If you are unable to abide by this guideline then please do not purchase the Munay Ki attunement. This is an attunement which must be respected and honoured.
1. Within the 1st chakra you will find the serpent who we call on to shed heavy energies, wounds and emotions from others (over-empathy) and to fully engage with our core relationship to the earth. She helps us look at situation as a matter of fact, without getting caught in the emotions and to remain cool and calm.
2. Within the 2nd chakra you will find the jaguar who helps us disengage from any battles, to be fearless in knowing and asking for what we truly desire and leaping into our chosen destiny. She can help us track in a very sensitive and invisible way for what is truly going on with a person or situation. She will help us reclaim our passion for life.
3. Within the 3rd chakra you will find the hummingbird. The hummingbird will help you to be appreciative and enjoy all the processes of life and drink the nectar along the way. This will help you to embark on the epic seemingly impossible journey of the creator that we are. She helps us connect to our ancient wisdom by being able to master time and to step out of the grip of linear time. She helps us become unattached to what we identify with and to specific outcomes so that we have nothing left to defend and can simply enjoy the sweetness of life from the perspective of the witness or creator.
4. Within the 4rth chakra you will find the condor/eagle who has come forth to help you to call on to look at the big picture and broadest perspective. To dream our world into being and use our feelings as guidance. The Condor/eagle helps us to honor our own heartfelt desires and know that we can manifest them with the grace of the great spirit.
5. Within the 5th chakra you will find the Huascar, the keeper or harmonizing principle of the lower world. Through this connection you will start to see what we truly are and what we truly want in life. In doing this you will be able to call back lost aspects of your soul which may be missing. Call upon Huascar to help determine our truest and most subconscious being and to help us with our shadow work.
6. Within the 6th chakra you will find the Quetzoquatl, the organizer of this world who helps us to pay our bills, keep our appointments, maintain our relationships, health and well-being in daily life. In other traditions this archetype is also known as Kokopelli, Kukulkan, Koni Raya and many others. With the help of Quetzoquatl we don’t have to micromanage our lives anymore.
7. Within the 7th Chakra you will find the Pachakuti, the organizer of the upper world, the keeper of possibilities who helps us to dream a new and better world. Pachakuti helps us to call on our next evolution, to step out of linear time and recognize that which we would like to change before it manifests!
4th Rite of Initiation
The Fourth rite is the Seer rite [in Quechua, the Kawach rites] . This rite installs filaments of light extending from your visual cortex in the back of your head to your third eye and heart chakras. This spiritual rite awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world. It lifts the veil from your eyes so you will begin to see and sense spirit in a completely new way. Many of you will find that after a few months of receiving the Seer rite, you will be able to perceive the world of energy around you in a much more refined way.
5th Rite of Initiation
The Fifth rite is the Day keeper rite [in Quechua, the Pampamesayoq rites]. The Day keepers were the masters of the ancient stone altars found in within the sacred places throughout the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. The Day keeper is able to call on the power of these ancient altars to heal and bring balance to your soul but also to the world. This rite is an energetic transmission that connects you to a lineage of Laikas from the past. According to lore, the Day keepers call on the sun to rise each morning and set each evening, they made sure that humans were in harmony with mother earth, and honored the ways of the feminine. The Day keepers were the midwives who attended births and deaths, as well as being the herbalists. They were generally women, and were knowledgeable about the ways of the feminine earth. This initiation begins the process of healing your inner feminine, and helps you to step beyond fear and practice peace.
6th Rite of Initiation
The Sixth rite is the Wisdom keeper rite [in Quechua, the Altomesayoq rites]. The legends say that the ancient wisdom resides in the high mountains. These high ice-covered peaks were revered as places of power, just as other mountains around the world are today from Mt. Sinai, Mt. Fuji and Mt. Olympus, have been honored as places where humans meet the divine. The lineage of the Wisdom keepers are medicine men and women from the past who defeated death and stepped outside of time. The job of the Wisdom keeper is to protect the medicine teachings and share them with others when appropriate. This rite helps you to step outside of time and taste infinity.
7th Rite of Initiation
The Seventh rite is the Earth keeper rite [in Quechua, the Kurak Akuyek rites]. This rite connects you to the lineage of the archangels who are also known as the guardians of our galaxy. They are reputed to have human form and can be as tall as trees. The Earth keepers, who are stewards of all life on Earth come under the direct protection of these archangels and can summon their power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance to any situation. The rite of the Earth keepers help you learn the ways of the seer, and to dream the world into being.
8th Rite of Initiation
The Eighth rite is the Star keeper rite [in Quechua, the Maillku or Mosok Karpay rites]. This rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change that is said will occur on or around the year 2012. According to lore, when you receive this rite, your physical body begins to evolve into that of Homo luminous. The aging process is slowed down, and you become resistant to the diseases you were once vulnerable to. When you receive this rite, you acquire stewardship of the time to come and all future generations.
9th Rite of Initiation
The Ninth rite is the Creator rite [in Quechua, the Taitanchis Ranti rites]. When you receive this initiation, you awaken the God-light within you, acquiring stewardship for all of creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies. This rite has never been available before although there were some individuals who attained this level of initiation, and awakened their Christ or Buddha consciousness, it was never possible to transmit these from one person to another, until today. So while Spirit-to-human transmission happened on occasion, human-to-human transmission was impossible until now. The Creator rite was brought forth and gifted to us by Inka elders in the Andes during the summer of 2006. It is also one of the most profound spiritual connections that I have ever experienced. Upon completion of your Munay-Ki Rites you will receive a Pi stone by post. The Pi stone is used to gain access to the energies of Munay Ki. The torus (Munay Ki) is a three dimensional shape of a donut. This shape allows energy to flow up through the center and then wrap around to flow back down on the outside in a constant three dimensional circling. It is said that energy circulates in and around us in a similar pattern, rising in the core, through the crown and down around the luminous energy field that surrounds the body. The cycle repeats continuously.
Additional information
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
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