The New Earth Teachers course is a fantastic way for you to help heal Mother Earth as she makes the shift to the New Earth Energy Vibrations. These new vibrations have been occuring for many years and will continue to slowly filter through to Mother Earth and Humanity for many years to come. In order for the Old Earth to move to a Higher Dimension she needs our help. Angels, Light Beings and Extraterrestrial Beings are here to help in this process but they cannot nor are they allowed to do too much becasue this is not their planet and world. Therefore they have contacted a group of peple on Earth to give them the vibrations of NET. The plan has been to make this material affordable and easy to spread to Transformational Process easier for Mother Earth and the entire Solar System. The knowledge received in the NET course is intedned to be spread around the planet. Once you take a attunements, you may also teach it to others or you can simply use it for your own personal use. Anyone can take or teach the NET classes, regardless of background or beliefs. The course is intended to help people all over the world to have a deeper understanding of Mother Earth and the changes that will come with the New Earth. They contain information about the course of events that are unfolding with the Universal transformation that is currently under way.
NET Course Information
* Initiations.
* Meditations with the New Earth.
* Preparations and Steps for the Changes to Come.
* Ceremonies for Mother Earth.
* Instructions for Ppening Portals.
* Extraterrestrial Symbols for Transforming Energies.
* Instructions for using Gemstones to raise your Consciousness.
The NET classes are meant to strengthen, help and inform people, but most of all to help Mother Earth make her transformation. When you have received these attunements you can pass them onto others.
New Earth Teacher Level 1
* How to Open Small Portals.
* How to Make Small Portals on Oceans, Lakes, on Water.
* How to Connect with Mother Earth’s Soul and Spirit.
* Two Levels of Meditations about The New Earth.
* How to Take the First Step in Cleaning and Fixing Present Earth.
* How to Build a Crystalline Device For Cleaning Water.
* How to Help Karma and Release Karma From the Earth.
* Understanding The New Chakras.
* How to Use Life Elixirs.
* How to do The Golden Movement Part One.
* Receiving an Initiation to Become a NET Teacher.
* How to Initiate Others so that They also will Become NET Teachers.
New Earth Teachers Level 2
* How to make Starpoints and build Starpoint systems.
* How to prepare others for the enormous changes coming.
* Exercise to reach deeper within and find Self.
* Exercise for those eager to help.
* How to build a Chakra Ladder.
* Stones to balance the new chakras..
* How to help our fellow beings.
* Using thought power to work with ribbons/bonds to Mother Earth.
* Meditation for the New Sun.
* Another Journey to the New Earth meditation.
* Golden Movement for the NEW EARTH.
* Initiation for Further Openings.
New Earth Teachers Level 3
* How to open small portals at a distance.
* How to temporarily change the frequency in big objects.
* How to temporarily change the frequency in small objects.
* Changing frequency at a distance.
* How to undo the frequency.
* Meditations in power places on the New Earth.
* Healing with Symbols.
* About changing the appearance.
* To raise your own frequency.
* To prepare for contact.
* Initiation for Further Openings.
New Earth Teachers Level 4
* About Time- what time really is and how it can be used.
* The process of the two planets meeting.
* Spiritual development.
* Interdimensional Ascendance.
* How to make stronger portals.
* The New Energies of New Earth.
* About clouds.
* A symbol that helps to change the vibration in food and drinks.
* Symbols for personal development towards universal insight.
* Life on old Earth.
* How to raise the frequency of objects at a distance.
* Life and death on New Earth.
* The last battle in the Universe – good and evil.
New Earth Teachers Level 5
* Soul Changes.
* Animal’s Response.
* Meditations to the New Earth.
* The Total of the Death Kingdom’s New Halls.
* When the Old and the New Earth Meet.
* The New Light.
* The New Chakras.
* To open your friends & animals a little more.
* Pockets of Time.
* The enlightenment stones of the Soul & the Spirit.
* Words to intone, tone, chant.
* White Time Healing.
New Earth Teachers Level 6
* About Catastrophes.
* The Ocean.
* Symbol for cleansing liquid.
* The little is so eternally important to the Great Whole Paradox.
* The Human Group Consciousness.
* The Death Kingdom-working with its outer layer.
* Three meditations.
* Personal development and Spiritual evolution & the New Earth.
* The Enlightened Masters.
* The Third Drop.
* A way you can help the Third Drop.
* The Stone Morganite.
* Protection Symbol.
* New ways for your meditations on the New Earth.
* The latest news.
* An initiation.
* The sun & all the stars have a great meaning.
New Earth Teachers Level 7
* Suggestion for pre-help.
* Bigger brain capacity.
* The patterns to open the flow in the brain.
* Pure thoughts can create.
* To meditate with Stones.
* Deeper mediations on the New Earth.
* To understand yourself.
* To integrate more new chakras in the body.
* This is how you learn to pre-create with the pure thought.
* Six-point systems.
* Big initiation.
New Earth Teachers Level 8
* The Dimension Light.
* Greater brain capacity with the protection of the New Inner Light.
* Brain capacity patterns 1-5.
* Symbols to open to open you up.
* The New Light’s symbol part 1-4.
* Light meditations from Beyond.
* The symbol for the Alliance of the New Inner Light.
* The Initiation.
* Extra symbol for yourself.
* Initiation meditation on the New Earth.
* Words of Force & movement of energy.
* About the New Earth meditations.
* Active energy, in your New Earth meditations.
* Energy procedure for active energy in meditations.
New Earth Teachers Level 9
* Map of the New Earth.
* That which has happened and is happening.
* How do we actually feel?.
* To give and receive cosmic forgiveness.
* New Earth meditations.
* The six weeks before, the pockets are emptied.
* What kind of body does one choose?.
* The 3 days of ascension & the 6 weeks after.
* The conflicts between good and evil.
* The Third Drop.
* The Drop Meditation.
* So what was the war really about?.
* A maybe is the answer.
* The changes of the chakras.
* The completion of the chakras.
* The chakra cord’s inner and outer.
* Meditations on the New energies in the Chakras for cord’s wholeness.
* The chakra cord’s meditation.
* What is happening to the soul and spirit right now?.
* The aura’s final stage & completion.
* The chakra’s completion.
* About the stones of the new chakras and their layout.
* Thought patterns for the chakra cord’s Inner Light.
* The Truth is in the Beyond.
* The Presence in the heart.
* The awareness of our solar system.
Additional information
Founder | Jay Burrell |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
Years | N/A |
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