Sacred Earth Energy is a system of energy work that resonates within each and everyone of us. It is the energy that surrounds us, it is found in the Air, Plants, Tree’s, Animals and Rocks. It is the Here, the Now. The Past, Present and Future. It is in Life as it is also in Death. It knows no boundaries, it is Multi-Dimensional, knowing not of any Religion, knowing not of Time or Distance for it can be found in everything! the Knowing and Feeling. It is that which makes all things possible.
Sacred Earth TM contains a series of Energetic Symbols that are used to give you a pure connection with our Sacred Earth and from there you learn how to step forward on your own journey of Self-Discovery with the Spiritual Tools and Knowledge to light up your own Spiritual Path. The energies are used to assist you in raising your vibration to mirror that our your surroundings while helping you in all that you do. It is given to enable you to attune and sensitise yourselves to others. It is ultimately left to you in how you use this gift of pure Love and Light. Sacred Earth can also be used to help with your connection to the Angels, Guides, Messengers as well as quietening the mind to find Freedom and Enlightenment within yourself.
Additional information
Founder | Susan Beaumont |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
Years | 2004 |
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