The Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequence 1-4

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The Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequences consists of 4 initiations that easily and effortlessly raise your vibration and upgrade your beingness on many levels. It assists anyone who wishes to work on themselves, clients or loved ones in an easy way and by doing so they are assisting humanity and planet earth as well. The Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequences is a powerful set of attunements for people who are sensitive to energies and wish to remain calm and peaceful when it comes to unconsciously taking on other people’s stuff. It also helps to release hundreds of programs such as fear, blame, anger, trauma etc.

The Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequences consist of 4 sequences:

* Sequence #1 – Etheric Clearing Attunement

* Sequence #2 – Entity Clearing

* Sequence #3 – Implant Clearing

* Sequence #4 – Master Clearing

Etheric Clearing

Etheric Clearing Attunement clears unlimitedly on Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multiverse and Omniverse levels. This attunement allows us to clear/purge hundreds of negative and disempowering beliefs and programs that we are carrying on all levels and on others with their permission. After the clearing/purging is done the places/spaces that were cleared, are filled with light and sealed. You can also run the Etheric Clearing through the timelines which means you are extending the clearing through life experiences on all levels.

You can clear & purge things like:

* Anger, Rage, Resentment, Anxiety & Fear.

* Home, Car, Real-Estate, Property

* Healing World Service Spaces & Places.

* Crystals & all personal belongings.

* Chakra and Aura Clearing.

* Less-Than-Love Type of Cords, Hooks Beings and Influences.

* Clearing Pets.

* Programs & beliefs like unworthiness and disempowering beliefs

Entity Removal

Removal of intrusive spirit or intrusive energy which invaded the soul of the person and integrated within causing emotional or physical pain or illness. Many of medical conditions and addictions are caused by foreign entities without any possible conscious knowledge of the person suffering from the effect of the entity. Entities are non-human energetic beings using the human energy field as their home literally. They generate various forms of fear and feed off that fear. The Entity Removal Attunement helps to clear and release entities, within you, your home, and car and to release and clear astral entities for others. It is important to note here that if you are interested in this type of work, you will benefit greatly from working with my own Spirit Release Healing Method that deals with everything from Possession, Exorcism, Hauntings, Ghosts and Spirit Release.

To find out whether you are suffering from an entity affecting you see if the following applies to your situation:

* Feeling Lost, Stuck, or Unable to Move On.

* Unable to let go of the Past Hurts.

* Unable to Control your Emotions.

* Feeling Betrayed, Abandoned and Left Out.

* Feeling Depressed, Overly Stressed and Anxious

* Feeling Empty, Devastated, Self-Hating

* Feeling Emotionally Numb, Crippled and Torn Apart

Implant Clearing

The Implant Removal Attunement is a powerful easy tool that you can run on yourself, others, and also animals. Symptoms of headaches, anger, fear, drug addictions and nose bleeds for no apparent reason are among some of the symptoms of extraterrestrial implants. When we are implanted by negative extraterrestrials, usually during a traumatic event like an accident, depression, divorce, drugs, or any physical or psychological imbalance, this usually allows the negative elementals, also called parasites, to create more havoc as well.

This attunement assists in:

* Defusing the Implants.

* Clearing the Implants.

* Clears Imprints and Cellular Memory of the Implants once Removed.

* Releasing and Clearing Cords and Hooks connected to the Implants.

* Repairs Holes and Closes Portals.

* Clears the Genetic Lines connected to the Implants

Master Space Clearing

Master Space Clearing helps you create that lovely energy that feels so good to walk into. And if you live in a house that was lived in by others, you may be inheriting their energies and, if so, they could be affecting you! Master Space Clearing is an attunement system of cleansing and consecrating spaces. It is a profound and highly effective technique for clearing and revitalizing the energy in homes, offices, schools, and hospitals. Just as cleaning your house keeps the physical space looking and feeling nice to live in, space clearing makes the energetic space you live in feel clean and fresh. Master Space Clearing is also highly effective for your energetic body systems, emotions, relationships, etc.

This attunement is performed distantly and is as follows :

* Addictions and Addictive Patterning and Programming. Anger, Rage and Resentment

* Aura and Electromagnetic Energy Field

* Blocks to Abundance

* Blocks to Aligning with GOD

* Blocks to Mastery/Sovereignty

* Blocks to Self Love

* Brains/Minds/Neuronets, Etc

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Hari Winarso





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