Thinking Outside The Box Reiki
Thinking Outside the Box Reiki is the Perfect Energetic Tool that you can use when you are feeling Stuck or Lost. It can help you to see different Perspectives, other ways around a Problem, New Bright Ideas as well as allowing you to view the Alternatives to a current situation as well as Clarity of Thought and Brainwaves. Thinking Outside the Box Reiki came to Amanda as she was Meditating on an issue, searching for a solution after many weeks of hitting a brick wall. She felt as though she was going around in circles and not getting anywhere. During a meditation session the Energy and Symbol was given to Amanda to help her create a more aligned energetic frequency to think of a solution that had evaded her for so long! It was as though a Veil had been lifted and new Pathways were opened for her. The energy was strong and a wave of clarity flowed through her allowing her to feel Lighter and Relieved. Thinking Outside the Box Reiki is a way of lifting veils, to see answers that are often in front of you. It can help youu Gain Insights and Clarity in a wonderfully Peaceful and Calm Manner. It can help you Solve Problems or be Creative to find new and Exciting Ideas about how to solve Problems.
Additional information
Founder | Amanda Hadley |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
Years | 2017 |
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