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    Budai Empowerment


    Embrace the joy and wisdom of Budai with the Budai Empowerment. Infuse your energy field with the attributes of the Laughing Buddha, fostering good luck, prosperity, and a contented heart. Explore the tradition of rubbing Budai’s belly for added prosperity and open pathways to spiritual enlightenment.

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    Breaking the Chains Empowerment


    Take a bold step toward a life of liberation and empowerment. Allow the Breaking the Chains Empowerment to be your guide in releasing tension, breaking free from constraints, and empowering you to live a life of joy, fulfillment, and purpose.

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    Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer


    Experience the transformative power of the Bizarre Beliefs Bouncer, a distant attunement channeled by Mariah Windsong. Clear away beliefs imposed by others, release from brainwashing, and bounce back intrusive thoughts. This attunement, proven effective through years of personal experience, offers freedom from imposed beliefs, relief from OCD, and alignment with your true self.

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    Binary Reiki


    Unlock the transformative power of Binary Reiki, a unique healing system that bridges ancient wisdom with the contemporary language of binary code. Explore the universal language of binary to connect with the energies that permeate existence. Embrace the dynamic duality of “1s” and “0s” for healing, balance, and transformation. Beyond healing, Binary Reiki is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, guiding you to harness the power of binary for balance, clarity, and vitality in your life and the lives of others.

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    Aqua Aura Flush


    Embark on a transformative journey with the Aqua Aura Crystal’s Twin Aqua and Golden Rays in this Energetic Flush. Gently yet powerfully cleansing the entire auric field, the flush disperses negative blockages, strengthens aura layers, and attracts positivity and abundance. Experience a heightened sense of presence and a calming effect on the fight-or-flight response, making it ideal for those dealing with panic, anxiety, or phobias.

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    Anxiety Flush Reiki


    The Anxiety Flush Reiki Attunement is a transformative system designed to address habitual anxiety and automatic stress responses. Channeling gentle, loving, and calming energies from Sacred Source, this attunement empowers individuals to consciously choose their reactions, fostering relief and release from anxiety. Pair it with the Lava Stone Anti-Anxiety Empowerment for enhanced benefits.

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    Abundance Flush Empowerment 1-6 Package


    Experience a holistic approach to abundance and prosperity with the Abundance Flush Empowerments 1-6. This transformative series clears negative attachments, refines subtle energies, and creates stability and space for spiritual abundance. Elevate your vibration, align with your soul’s purpose, and smooth the financial waters for a greater flow of abundance in your life. Cultivate a sense of prosperity without negative emotions and appreciate the abundance around you