Asking Forgiveness Empowerment

Founder :

The Asking Forgiveness Empowerment introduces a transformative energy that guides individuals on a unique journey – seeking forgiveness for oneself. This gentle empowerment addresses the internal struggle of guilt and shame, offering a pathway to personal healing. Liberate yourself from the burden of self-condemnation, fostering self-love, acceptance, and growth. Apply this empowerment as often as needed, tailoring the process to your unique healing journey.

Author: Stephanie Brail


In the realm of healing, forgiveness often extends outward, directed towards others. The Asking Forgiveness Empowerment introduces a transformative energy that guides healers and individuals on a unique journey – seeking forgiveness for oneself. This specialized empowerment is a gentle yet powerful tool crafted to address the internal struggle of guilt and shame. Often, the most profound forgiveness we seek is from within, a process this empowerment aims to facilitate.


1. Personal Forgiveness:

  • Explore the profound journey of seeking forgiveness for oneself.
  • Embrace the transformative power of self-forgiveness on a deep, personal level.

2. Healing Guilt and Shame:

  • Target paralyzing emotions of guilt and shame that hinder personal growth.
  • Empower individuals to move forward by alleviating the burden of self-condemnation.

3. Releasing Internal Blocks:

  • Identify and release internal blocks preventing self-forgiveness.
  • Create a pathway for healing and self-acceptance, fostering personal transformation.

4. Gentle Empowerment:

  • Experience a gentle yet effective empowerment suitable for individuals in need of self-forgiveness.
  • Apply the energy as often as needed or re-apply until desired results are achieved.


1. Self-Forgiveness Mastery:

  • Develop a mastery of the art of self-forgiveness, unlocking a path to personal healing.
  • Gain insights into the importance of seeking forgiveness from oneself.

2. Liberation from Guilt and Shame:

  • Liberate individuals from the paralyzing grip of guilt and shame.
  • Foster an environment conducive to self-love, acceptance, and personal growth.

3. Internal Healing:

  • Initiate a process of internal healing, addressing emotional wounds with compassion.
  • Promote a mindset that embraces personal transformation and growth.


1. Personal Empowerment:

  • Empower individuals to embark on a personal journey of self-forgiveness.
  • Cultivate a sense of personal empowerment and agency in one’s healing process.

2. Emotional Liberation:

  • Liberate individuals from the burden of guilt and shame.
  • Foster emotional liberation, paving the way for self-acceptance and love.

3. Ongoing Application:

  • Use the empowerment as often as needed, tailoring the process to individual timelines.
  • Re-apply the empowerment until the desired results of self-forgiveness are achieved.

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Stephanie Brail





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