The New Moon is the time for rebirth, a time to let go of what has been, and a time to forgive ourselves for whatever wrongs we think we may have done,. It is a time to begin anew and to let go of what has been so that we can look forward to a new sense of self and a new way of life. In many cultures the New Moon is the beginning of the new month. It also represents a time of spiritual rest when we can contemplate what we want in our lives and plant the seeds of those desires that they may grow with the lunar cycle. Kali, a Hindu Goddess of 100 different names can help us in our work with the New Moon. This Goddess of power, manifested in the feminine trinity of Maiden, Mother, and Crone is often seen as murderous, but the truth is that she only slays demons. Kali will help you to put away the ego and allow you to see that connection to life is only illusion. She will help to give you strength, and cut all the elements of destruction, and attachment to people and possessions. She will also help you to face forces that threaten or prevent you from becoming who you incarnated to be. Through working with this attunement over many years, I have found Kali’s energies to be very powerful and will often create an instant karmic detox effect so always ensure that you rest, self heal and drink plenty of water after you begin working with her. Kali is not a goddess who takes things lightly, she will swiftly release the old so that the new can flow through you.
Please Note: There is no physical attunement procedure within the manual so it is important that you understand how to pass attunements to others using the intention method. Full instructions on how to do this will be given to you within the Academy Companion Guide which you will receive at the time of purchase.
Additional information
Founder | Lisa Center |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
Years | N/A |
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