Although this Attunement was channeled over 10 years ago it is perhaps one of the most Powerful Reiki systems that you will ever work with. It may also be one of the most simple to use! Light of Forgiveness Reiki is a special form of Reiki Energy that helps to heal and cleanse you of old hurt, grief or issues that are causing a Lack of Love of the Self or Others. By using Light of Forgiveness Reiki, you are releasing what are often deeply embedded issues that might normally be difficult to heal. The Light of Forgiveness is a Powerful Energy that will work by sweeping through a clearing our these Energies in a comprehensive but gentle way. To fully Forgive someone can perhaps be one of the most difficult things to do, especially if that person has Betrayed or Hurt you. The pain caused by the Hurt and Anger will over time become embedded into your Consciosness and Energy System. It is hard to let go but through Forgivess Reiki you will learn how to remove these blockages to fully embrace the act of Forgiveness for others and for yourself.
Additional information
Founder | Stephanie Brail |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
Years | 2008 |
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