Kuan Yin {also known as Quan Yin} is the Goddess of Compassion, Love, Healing and Abundance. This abundance isnt just financial abundance, it can manifest in all areas of your life from Spiritual Abundance to an Abundance of Health and Wellbeing. The energies of this attunement have worked with the founder {Daelyn Wolf} for many hears to help her draw forth the abundance of Health, Wealth and Healing. We all have bills to pay and sometimes it isnt easy to come up with the amount that is needed but with Faith and a heart felt call to the Goddess you will recieve the help that is needed. Finally, the attunement will help you by empowering you to clear out those blocks so you can open your heart to receive the blessings of the universe and the goddess.
Additional information
Founder | Linda Colibert / Daelyn Wolf |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
Years | 2010 |
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