Sankramana Karma Release Reiki

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Within the Hindu Religion and many other faiths around the world, the concept of Karma is well accepted as a fact of life. The idea of Karma is one that tells us that all actions have a reaction. Karma gives you the opportunity at every moment to become open to greater levels of love and compassion. As the saying goes, “You Reap What You Sow”. The laws of Karma drive us from a state of Oneness to the Wholeness and Unity with Life! Karma teaches you to look beyond the Ego Self so that you can see yourself as you truly are. This is the release from Oneness to Wholeness or Self Realisation. When you truly understand the laws of Karma and who you are, you will start to see your own divinity and your unity with those around you. Through working with the energies of Sankramana Karma Release Reiki you will gain many blessings which include the Attainment of Knowledge about Oneself. Mental Clarity, Psychic and Mental Suffering Reductions, Negative Emotions Removed, Relief from Pain and Anxiety plus the acceptance of Self Love and Self Acceptance. This system really is a Multidimensional in how it can help you in the many areas of your life. 

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Dr Chandra





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Reiki 2nd Degree +


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