Angelic Elemental Templates are an active based energy that has been created for Healing Sessions or Attunements. The Templates are comprised of the Eternal Sentient Intelligence of both the Angelic and Elemental Realms. Beings of the Angelic Lineage and Beings who are the Sentient Awareness of the Elements here on Planet Earth join together to bring you a balanced perspective from here and beyond this 3 Dimensional Reality. The Angelic Elemental Teaching Templates provide a way for you to Energetically record and send Channeled Teaching Information to Students. Angelic Elemental Templates combine and administer the energies perfectly for each person. They are a wise choice for both Personal and Professional use during Sessions or for providing Attunements to a larger group of people. Instructions are given for Personal Healing, Facilitating Healing Sessions or Attunements for several people concurrently, as well as sending the energies of any session into a Light Sphere for the individual to “Call In” at a later date.
Additional information
Founder | Mariah Windsong |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Years | 2010 |
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