The Ethereal Moldavite Crystal Empowerment

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The Ethereal Moldavite Crystal Empowerment is also the 3rd and final Crystal Empowerment within the Crystal Encoding Trilogy. The prerequisites to take this Attunement are The Stellar Atom Crystal Empowerment and Phenacite Cyrstal Empowerment.

Moldavite is a Crystal which is highly prized for its intense Metaphysical Properties. It is a Stone that is said to enhance the Energies of all other Crystals while opening the 3rd Eye chakra, Balancing the Mind, Body, Spirit and Enhance your Psychic Abilities. It is generally considered to be one of the most important Stones at this time of Planetary Evolution. Many people feel that at this time, there are countless Souls who are not originally from Planet Earth but have incarnated here at this time from Star Systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and many other Galactic Star Systems. For this reason, you might want to incorporate the Energies of the Celestial Starseed Activation when working with this Trilogy of Attuements.

Moldavite is thought to be a Booster Stone that helps with the development of the Spirit and in doing this, will help to increase the Development of your dormant Psychic Abilities. It will work in alignment with the Stellar Atom Crystal Empowerment and Phenacite Crystal Empowerment to help you connect with Inner Dimensions and Extraterrestrial Beings. This will also include the connections with your Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and Archangels. Physically, Moldavite is believed to help balance the Body and aid in the absorption of Vitamin B and to regulate any irregularities of the Heart Chakra. Emotionally, Moldavite is said to help accelerate your ability to perceive messages from beyond, this makes it an excellent tool for Psychic Mediums to use when performing a Spirit Reading for others. It helps to balance the Chakras while creating the Energies of Change which can be used to remove all forms of Negativity by allowing your Spriritual Self to be open to the World of Spirit and Beyond.

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Jay Burrell





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Stellar Atom & Phenacite Empowerment


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