A number of years ago I wrote a manual for the original Reiki Psychic Attunement but since that time, I have discovered that the original manual and also the energies themselves have been abused, altered and diluted with the original information being replaced or even completely removed from the manual. This has resulted in the original Message and Symbols being lost. I am not usually the sort of person to re-write a manual or even re-name a system that I have already created but in this instance, I have spent many months meditating on this and I feel that I have now been given the directions to create a Brand New Reiki Psychic Attunement which is now called “The New Reiki Psychic Empowerment”. The new Empowerment and manual will use the original information that I channelled plus it will include the Channeled Symbols that I was given as well as new information to help students to Awaken and Expand their Natural Psychic Abilities. Everyone is born with Psychic Abilities but as we grow older and are Programmed by Society we are told that Psychic Abilities are not Real or we are told that any form of Psychic Awareness is evil or from the Devil. This couldn’t be further from the truth. To accept and allow your Natural Psychic Abilities to Manifest within your Life, you will find that your life will be Enriched and that you can experience things that are far beyond anything that you have experienced before. Although we all have Natural Psychic Abilities, these abilities will vary in terms of Intensity and Strength. Some of you will already be aware of your Psychic Abilities while for others, you are either unaware or are just starting to experience them. Each of you will have your own Unique Psychic Gifts that when awakened will considerably aid you on your Spiritual and Life’s Path. During the New Reiki Psychic Attunement a prescribed Procedure is carried out by a Reiki Master either via Distant Attunement or In Person. The Reiki Master will Energetically Encode Specific Symbols into your Auric Field, Crown and 3rd Eye Chakras. It is hard to say what will happen after your Attunement but you can expect to see an increase in your Psychic Abilities. These will sometimes come forward straight away or they may take several weeks or months to manifest but always know that the more effort you put in to train your Psychic Abilities, the greater the benefits will be. The one thing that I will say is that you will experience a greater sense of Empathy and Sensitivity towards others after your Attunement.
Additional information
Founder | Jay Burrell |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | 1 |
Prerequisite | Reiki Master |
Symbol | Yes |
Years | 2018 |
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