The Spiritual Flush Empowerment Series

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The following Flush Empowerments were channelled between 2010 and 2015 as a set of simple-to-use intention-based energy functions that hundreds if not thousands of students have worked with during this time. In 2022, I felt guided to compile all of these functions into 1 manual so that the energies can be used to heal, align and re-balance all aspects of their life from the mind, body & spirit. These energy functions can also be used to clear thought patterns to bring forth a renewed sense of freedom, self-love and self-expression. There are no complex rituals to use or symbols to remember, you only have to use your heartfelt intention and a short statement to activate the energies so they can flow within your etheric background. This makes the flush empowerments open for everyone to work with whether you are new to energy work or have been practising healing for many years.

Within this series, you will be attuned to:

The Acceptance Flush Empowerment – Self Acceptance is learning to love yourself and to be happy with who you are.

The Addiction Flush Empowerment – The Addiction Flush Empowerment is a unique attunement that has been created with the sole purpose of helping someone overcome any form of Addiction.

The Communication Flush Empowerment – Are you afraid of telling someone how you feel? Are you scared of speaking out loud at social events? The Communication Flush Empowerment will help!

The Ego Flush Empowerment – When we take our first steps into the realms of Spirituality, there comes a feeling of excitement but this feeling for some can lead to a sense of superiority for having done or achieved what the masses have not. When the Ego manifests, it is time to take a step back to release this energy in order to return to a state of being humble for the blessings that you have received.

The Forgiveness Flush Empowerment – Forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment and any thoughts of revenge!. The act that hurt or offended you might always remain a part of your life, but Self Forgiveness and the Forgiveness of others, can lessen its grip on you and help you to focus on the things that are more important in your life.

The Grounding Flush Empowerment – When we are heavily engaged in any form of Spiritual Work, staying Grounded can be very challenging. You might also experience regular “spiritual high” which are good at first but continued states of being high can take you away from your true spiritual path. This is where the Grounding Flush can help.

The Jealousy Flush Empowerment – It is in our human nature to compare ourselves with others. In these Modern Times, we are constantly bombarded with the image of the Perfect Person, Perfect Body, Perfect Mind and even perfect Soul but these images of so-called Perfection are false images. Allow the Jealousy Flush Empowerment to manifest in your life to help you release these thoughts and feelings so you can be your TRUE SELF

The Karmic Flush Empowerment – Through the activation and use of the Karmic Flush Empowerment, you will learn how to release these cords so they no longer affect your current life and you will also learn how to call upon the mighty energies of Archangel Michael to help you with the process of releasement.

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Jay Burrell





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