Usui Teate Reiki 2nd Degree (Oku-Den)

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At this level you will learn the original Usui Japanese energy exercises to further develop your intuition, along with Western techniques to assist your own personal growth and healing. The 3 Reiju empowerments given in this course will enable you to ‘hold’ and channel more energy than before. These empowerments also serve to connect you strongly to aspects of the energy, which are represented by the Reiki symbols. Methods for using the 3 Reiki symbols and mantras will be covered, including their use as a basis for self-treatment, as a means of making treatments stronger and more effective, plus some other simple approaches from Japan.

The following is a selection of the material covered:

* Original Methods for using the Symbols, including a Symbol Meditation

* Methods for Increasing the Flow of Energy

* Reiki Treatments.

* Specific Treatment Techniques

* Distant Healing.

* Intuition & Intent.

* Healing with the Eyes and Breath {Gyoshi Ho and Koki Ho}.

* Grounding and Protection.

* Usui’s Scanning and Intuitive Techniques, known as Byosen Reikan Ho and Reiji Ho {which allow the Reiki Energy to guide the Hands instead of Rigidly following the set Hand Positions}

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