Jeremejevite is a new crystal that is not only rare but is also extremely expensive to buy in its physical form. This attunement will connect you to the vibrations of the Jeremejevite crystal and its metaphysical properties to help you to awaken all forms of psychic sight and intuitive knowing. Your path, however difficult it may be, is manifesting itself in accordance with your divine etheric blueprint. Jeremejevite is a crystal that has come of the most intense metaphysical properties known to humanity at this time. They are also some of the most interesting energies that I have ever worked with and these will be addressed in the manual. In the same way that many will sense the energies of Moldavite or other highly awakened crystals, Jeremejevite is a crystal which in its etheric form will flood the body with energies that are easily felt when they are activated within the etheric background, used in meditation or ingested via an etheric crystal elixir. The etheric crystal can also be used over the higher chakras where the awakening of psychic powers will manifest
Additional information
Founder | Jay Burrell |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
Years | 2022 |
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