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    Adan Energy Ray Attunement

    Embark on a transformative journey with Adan, an attunement rooted in the meaning “Earth” in Hebrew. Clear, balance, and align your Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Base Chakras while releasing negativity and etheric cords. With the supportive energies of Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Zadkiel, Adan facilitates healing from addictions, fears, and emotional distress on conscious and subconscious levels. Experience a harmonious infusion of energies for overall well-being and transformation.

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    After the Rain Empowerment

    Step into the symbolic and energetic realm of renewal with the After The Rain Empowerment. As rain cleanses the earth, this channeled system offers a transformative experience, washing away negativity and stagnant energy from the spiritual and physical body. Embrace the sense of refreshment, renewal, and empowerment that follows, allowing the After The Rain Empowerment to be a beacon of cleansing and clarity in your spiritual journey.

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    Alien Aura Device Reiki

    Alien Aura Device Reiki provides a framework for practitioners to explore the potential influence of negative alien entities, focusing specifically on astral implants. Through the energetic principles of this system, individuals can engage in a process of detection and removal, fostering a sense of well-being and mental clarity. This attunement encourages an open-minded exploration of the energetic landscape, allowing for a harmonious coexistence between humans and celestial neighbours.

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    Angelic Chakra Healing

    Angelic Chakra Healing presents a transformative approach to energy healing by integrating the vibrational frequencies of Archangels with the Chakra system. The collaboration of seven Archangels, each resonating with specific Chakras, establishes a harmonious connection for healing, clearing, and balancing. The system recognizes the importance of maintaining Chakra health for overall well-being, addressing blockages, and releasing negative debris. The components of Angelic Chakra Healing include attunements, meditations, intuitive Chakra work, Archangelic correspondence, and balancing techniques. Practitioners can experience holistic Chakra harmony, angelic support for well-being, and enhanced intuition. Whether working on individual Chakras or addressing all simultaneously, Angelic Chakra Healing offers a versatile and effective system for individuals seeking a deeper connection with angelic energies and comprehensive Chakra healing.

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    Anilos Activation 999

    Anilos 999 introduces an energetic frequency from the Dimension of Lentos, aiming to open a portal to the Divine Thought Field. The energy is focused on decoding the DNS/DNA in its original form, activating the Light Body and God cells. This activation enables the reception of the Divine Light of Universal Consciousness. The energy unfolds in the individual’s energy field, initiating healing processes across the Auric Field and Chakras. Anilos 999 also includes spiritual clearing and purification on all levels of being. The acknowledgment of a fixed fee and the offering of a reduced price for the system are highlighted aspects.

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    Aqua Aura Flush

    Embark on a transformative journey with the Aqua Aura Crystal’s Twin Aqua and Golden Rays in this Energetic Flush. Gently yet powerfully cleansing the entire auric field, the flush disperses negative blockages, strengthens aura layers, and attracts positivity and abundance. Experience a heightened sense of presence and a calming effect on the fight-or-flight response, making it ideal for those dealing with panic, anxiety, or phobias.

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    Aura Painting Reiki

    Experience the playful and transformative energies of Aura Painting Reiki, connecting you to the Creative Source Energies and your Higher Self for healing and empowerment. Delve into the dynamic canvas of your aura, witnessing its ever-changing colors and harnessing its potential for holistic well-being. Activate the system to manifest your heart’s desires, become positively charged with energy, and align yourself for success. Elevate your energy mastery and intuitive insights with Aura Painting Reiki, unlocking a profound sense of peace and happiness.

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    Aura Repair Empowerment

    Immerse yourself in the simplicity and efficiency of the Aura Repair Empowerment, a scientifically proven energy healing method. Realign and balance your auric field effortlessly, preventing the gradual onset of physical ailments. Fortify your psychic defense shield and experience holistic well-being through daily activation and self-healing. Explore the user-friendly nature of this powerful system, making energy healing accessible to all for optimal health and vitality.

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    Bio Galaxy Reiki

    Immerse yourself in the cooling vibration of Bio-Galaxy Reiki, a transformative energy healing system offering spiritual tools for chakra and nadi alignment. With two levels, practitioners progress from clearing energy bodies to advanced energy channeling, awakening sole chakras, and activating Ajna and Pineal Gland. The system’s unique symbols and techniques empower individuals to connect with the vibrational energies of the galaxy and Mother Earth, fostering spiritual alignment, enhanced energy channeling, and expanded awareness.
