Level 1 – Healing Flow Reiki
Healing Flow Reiki connects you to Spirit and the flow of healing energies. It helps to keep the positive flow of healing energies coming to you continuously for as long as you need them. To manifest healing and good health you must be in the flow of and in harmony with Good Health and healing. While this also requires you to take certain actions on the physical plain, in order to manifest healing and good health, the positive healing energies that flow to you from Spirit, the Creative Source, God or/and Goddess help speed recovery and maintain good health. Healing Flow Reiki draws in the positive energies of healing to work toward healing body, mind, and spirit.
Level 2 – Love Flow Reiki
Love Flow Reiki connects you to the energies of pure, honest, sincere love in its essence and to spirit. In order to manifest love, you must be in harmony with the energies of unconditional love, pure love. This includes love of yourself and others, as well as any relationship. Love Flow Reiki raises your vibration so that you are in harmony with pure love. It also helps you in working with any relationship.
Level 3 – Prosperity Flow Reiki
Prosperity Flow Reiki harmonizes your energies to the frequency of prosperity. This system connects you to the higher energies of manifesting prosperity. When you are in harmony with prosperity, you draw prosperity to you. You vibrate with the energies of prosperity. When you are in alignment with prosperity, the energies of lack, limitation, and poverty consciousness cannot stay in the energy fields of prosperity. Those negative energies cannot exist in the same light and energies of prosperity.
Level 4 – Protection Flow Reiki
Protection Flow Reiki connects you to Spirit and to the energies of protection. It helps by keeping the flow of protection running through you and around you. The energies of feeling and being safe, protected, and in harmony with a healthy safe environment flow to you quickly and easily. You can stay in the flow of protection physically, emotionally, and spiritually by connecting to the energies of Protection. Protection Flow Reiki helps you to be safe from psychic attacks, negative energies and entities, and helps also with making you aware of danger so that you can avoid it or lessen its effects.
Level 5 – Success Flow Reiki
Success Flow Reiki connects you to Spirit and also draw in the positive energies of success. Staying in the Flow is sometimes difficult without focus and a helpful connection to recharge the energies of Success when you need it quickly. In order to manifest success you must be in harmony with and your energies may need to be raised and adjusted to a higher vibration of success. Success Flow Reiki helps you to manifest success by aligning you with the higher energies of success and keeping you in the flow of positive success energies.
Additional information
Founder | Linda Colibert / Daelyn Wolf |
Language | English |
Mantra | Yes |
No. of Attunements | No Information |
Prerequisite | None |
Symbol | No Information |
Years | 2010 |
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