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    11.11 Angel Attunement


    Elevate your spiritual journey with our 11:11 Angel Attunements, a series of 11 transformative experiences connecting you to the angelic energies embedded in specific number sequences. From 000 to 999 and the powerful 11:11, these attunements unlock angelically inspired energies, bestowing upon you the blessings of the Archangels. Seamlessly integrate these energies into your everyday healing and spiritual development, transcending conventional practices. Open the gateway to a heightened spiritual awareness and profound connection with the divine.

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    13 Crystal Skull Attunement


    Embark on a transformative journey with the 13 Crystal Skulls Attunement, unlocking the mysteries of these ancient artifacts. Align and attune yourself to the divine energies emanating from the Crystal Skulls, triggering a profound awakening. Experience benefits such as clearing negative energies, strengthening healing abilities, activating the 3rd Eye Chakra, and holistic healing of mind, body, and spirit. Embrace the mysterious vibrations and allow the 13 Crystal Skulls to guide you on a transformative spiritual path.

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    14 Healing Plexus Activation Codes


    Experience a profound journey with the 14 Healing Plexus Activation Codes, a channeled modality unlocking the power of 14 Plexuses within the astral body. This activation fosters a direct spiritual connection with the divine consciousness, expanding awareness in ascension, healing, and enlightenment. Benefit from internal, transpersonal, and external Plexus activation, promoting holistic well-being and a dynamic connection with higher realms. Embrace the open-ended nature of this activation, allowing for continuous evolution and personalized functions tailored to your unique journey.

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    21 Reiki Products with Complete Reiki Course

    Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $99.00.

    भारत के इतिहास में पहली बार, सम्पूर्ण रेकी कोर्स के साथ 21 रेकी प्रोडक्ट बिल्कुल मुफ्त।

    🎁 जी हां, बिल्कुल मुफ्त!

    अब आप पूछेंगे, जहां लोग 10-10, 20-20 हजार में केवल एक स्तर करवाते हैं, वहीं ऋषि रोहित शर्मा मात्र 5100 रुपये में सम्पूर्ण 4 स्तर करवा रहे हैं और साथ ही 21 प्रकार के तोहफे भी दे रहे हैं, वो क्यों?

    सबसे पहले, आप सबको बता दें कि ऋषि रोहित शर्मा ऑस्ट्रेलिया में रहते हैं और उन्होंने कभी इसे कमाई का जरिया नहीं बनाया, केवल रेकी का सिद्धांत ऊर्जा विनिमय का है, इसलिए वह इतनी कम फीस लेते हैं, नहीं तो वे यह भी मुफ्त दे देते। उन्होंने लाखों को ज्योतिष की जानकारी बिल्कुल मुफ्त दी है और अपने छात्रों को भी समय-समय पर बहुत सारी चीजें गिफ्ट करते हैं।

    तो आइये जानते हैं आपको क्या क्या मिलेगा?

    🎁 मुफ्त उपहारों का खुलासा!

    क्यों यह मुफ्त रेकी किताबें आपके जीवन को बदल देंगी…

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    7 Gods of Luck Reiki

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    999 Angelic Realms

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    Aasta Energy Ray Attunement


    Experience the transformative power of Aasta Energy Healing, a unique system designed to clear, balance, and align the Heart Chakra. Rooted in the Norwegian word for love, Aasta goes beyond conventional healing, fostering self-love and facilitating unconditional love exchange. Enlist the blessings of Archangel Uriel and Chamuel to heal emotional distress, creating a harmonious and heart-centric approach to energy healing. Immerse yourself in the essence of love with Aasta.

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    Abandonment Reiki


    Embark on a transformative journey of emotional liberation with Abandonment Reiki, a healing modality designed to address feelings of abandonment, betrayal, and emotional turmoil. Crafted with the guidance of Nicole’s spiritual guides and Archangel Michael, this energy field empowers individuals to break free from emotional shackles, redevelop trust, and release a spectrum of emotions. Experience enhanced security, stability, and the art of forgiveness, paving the way for a renewed sense of self-empowerment. Liberate yourself from emotional struggles with Abandonment Reiki.

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    Absolute Confidence Empowerment


    Elevate your confidence to an absolute level with the transformative Absolute Confidence Empowerment. Designed to connect initiates with the energies of the Divine Source, this modality empowers conscious creation and enhances manifestation abilities. Break free from illusionary confidence tied to external circumstances, situations, or personal abilities, and step into a realm of unshakable and unwavering self-assurance. Manifest your true desires with absolute confidence and become the conscious creator you were designed 

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    Abundance Flush Empowerment 1-6 Package


    Experience a holistic approach to abundance and prosperity with the Abundance Flush Empowerments 1-6. This transformative series clears negative attachments, refines subtle energies, and creates stability and space for spiritual abundance. Elevate your vibration, align with your soul’s purpose, and smooth the financial waters for a greater flow of abundance in your life. Cultivate a sense of prosperity without negative emotions and appreciate the abundance around you

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    Adan Energy Ray Attunement


    Embark on a transformative journey with Adan, an attunement rooted in the meaning “Earth” in Hebrew. Clear, balance, and align your Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Base Chakras while releasing negativity and etheric cords. With the supportive energies of Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Zadkiel, Adan facilitates healing from addictions, fears, and emotional distress on conscious and subconscious levels. Experience a harmonious infusion of energies for overall well-being and transformation.

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    Adi Shakti

    Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $99.00.

    Adi Shakti

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    Adi Shakti


    Adi Shakti, the primordial cosmic energy, emerges as a profound and universal concept that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. From her origins in ancient texts to her diverse manifestations in goddesses, Adi Shakti stands as a source of wisdom, empowerment, and spiritual awakening. As humanity navigates the journey of exploration and understanding, the divine feminine essence of Adi Shakti continues to shine brightly, guiding seekers toward a deeper connection with the cosmos and the self.

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    Adrenal Care Shakti


    Adrenal Care Shakti emerges as a comprehensive system addressing the spiritual dimensions of adrenal health. As a supportive modality, it seeks to reverse adrenal fatigue, alleviate common symptoms, and bring harmonization to the body’s systems. In a world where stress and imbalances are prevalent, Adrenal Care Shakti offers a proactive and holistic approach to well-being, inviting individuals to prioritize their health and spiritual support for optimal vitality and balance.

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    Advanced Healing Lightwork


    Advanced Healing Lightwork emerges as a transformative system, offering practitioners a gateway to potent healing energies and progression. With its targeted methods, versatility, and focus on connecting with Sacred Source Energy, this system becomes a valuable tool for addressing specific ailments, providing relief from pain, and fostering overall well-being. Whether applied for self-healing, assisting others, or supporting animals, Advanced Healing Lightwork stands as a beacon of transformative energy for those on the path of healing and progression.

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    Advanced Healing Reiki


    Advanced Healing Reiki stands as a testament to the synergy between ancient wisdom and modern revelation. The energies channeled through the Celestial Hierarchy offer a pathway for practitioners to access transformative healing and contribute to the global shift in consciousness. Embrace the energies, symbols, and the collective intention embedded in this attunement, and may your journey be illuminated with love, light, and joy.

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    Advanced Manifestation Lightwork


    Embark on a journey of manifestation with the Dream Weaver Attunement, where the connection to Creative Source Energy becomes a catalyst for transforming dreams into reality. With positive and powerful energies at your disposal, coupled with effective methods and a clear path forward, success in all endeavors becomes an achievable reality. May your journey be guided by the wisdom and energies of the Dream Weaver Attunement, bringing your dreams and goals to fruition with grace and empowerment.

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    After the Rain Empowerment


    Step into the symbolic and energetic realm of renewal with the After The Rain Empowerment. As rain cleanses the earth, this channeled system offers a transformative experience, washing away negativity and stagnant energy from the spiritual and physical body. Embrace the sense of refreshment, renewal, and empowerment that follows, allowing the After The Rain Empowerment to be a beacon of cleansing and clarity in your spiritual journey.

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    Agape Reiki


    Agape Reiki beckons practitioners to embrace the profound and boundless nature of “Unconditional Love.” As a conduit for this universal and divine essence, Agape Reiki offers a simple yet potent means of healing, heart chakra opening, and emotional transmutation. Let the energies of Agape Reiki flow through your being, bringing forth the transformative power of love that knows no conditions—a gift to the heart, soul, and spirit on the journey of self-discovery and healing.

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    Akashic Crystal Of The Earth Activation


     The exploration of Soul Memory Crystals opens a portal to the profound tapestry of incarnations woven by the soul across lifetimes. As individuals engage in meditative practices with the guidance of Archangel Raziel, they can unlock the memories and wisdom encoded within their unique crystalline repository. This journey of self-discovery becomes a sacred pilgrimage, unveiling the intricate details of the soul’s evolution and the profound connections between the celestial and earthly realm.