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    Clean Break Reiki

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    Clean Break Reiki

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    Cocoon Reiki

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    Cofu Energy Healing

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    Comfort Blanket Reiki

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    Concentration Energy

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    Cosmic Caduceus Reiki

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    Cosmic Caduceus Reiki

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    Cosmic Crystals Reiki

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    Cosmic Keys Reiki

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    Craniosacral Care

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    Cross Reiki Concept

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    Crystal Being Therapy

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    Curing Mind Fog Reiki

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    Datum Reiki


    Datum Reiki is presented as a system that offers a simple yet versatile approach to energy work. The emphasis on a single symbol for amplifying energy and its application in chakra work and meditation highlights its potential for various aspects of personal and spiritual development. Users are encouraged to explore Datum Reiki as a tool to enhance and deepen their energy practices.

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    Deep Healing Reiki


    Deep Healing Reiki encourages individuals to explore and address deep wounds within their spiritual and emotional realms, fostering a sense of healing, release, and transformation. Users are encouraged to approach this system with patience, openness, and an understanding of the gradual nature of the changes it may bring.

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    Deep Red Reiki – Spiritual Protection, Grounding & Revitalisation


    It’s important to note that the effectiveness of energy systems like Deep Red Reiki may depend on individual beliefs, experiences, and receptivity to energy work. Users are encouraged to approach it with an open heart and intention.

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    Dental Shakti


    Dental Shakti seems to offer a complementary approach to dental health, combining traditional oral care practices with energetic or spiritual components through attunements.

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    Desire Manifestation Empowerment


    The Desire Manifestation Empowerment is presented as a tool for spiritual and personal growth, emphasizing the attraction of specific energies and the release of inner blockages. The inclusion of the Desire Manifestation Symbol suggests a focus on meditation, goal-setting, and healing for both oneself and others.

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    Diamond Facets Soul Freedom Reiki


    The Diamond Facet Soul Freedom system seems to offer a holistic approach to spiritual growth and healing by delving into the intricate facets of the soul’s experiences. Through emotional and spiritual cleansing, connection with past lifetimes, and the development of self-protection abilities, practitioners may attain a more balanced and enlightened perspective on their life journey.

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    Divine Blessings of Grace Empowerment


    “The Blessings of Divine Grace” energy system aims to provide a gentle and transformative experience by connecting individuals with the Universal Creative Source. The emphasis is on cleansing the soul from negativity, leading to feelings of relief, peace, love, and joy. The ultimate outcome is described as the reception of abundant blessings in the forms of prosperity, love, and healing.

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    Divine Magick Reiki


    The text conveys a sense of reverence for the combined power of Magick and Reiki, highlighting the potential for personal and spiritual growth when these modalities are integrated and utilized with intention and mindfulness.

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    Dragon Fire Reiki


    Practitioners interested in Dragon’s Fire Reiki or similar energy systems may find it beneficial to explore these practices with an open mind, sincere intention, and respect for their own healing journey. As with any energy work, individual experiences may vary, and practitioners are encouraged to follow any guidance provided by the system or its practitioners.

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    Dragon Ki Reiki


    The use of terms like “Dragon Ki” and the association with Reiki suggests that this system draws inspiration from Japanese energy healing practices. It’s important to note that such descriptions are often rooted in spiritual or metaphysical belief systems, and interpretations may vary among individuals.

    As with any spiritual or energy work system, those interested in exploring Dragon Ki Reiki or similar practices should approach them with an open mind, sincerity, and respect for their own spiritual journey.

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    Dragon Reiki 1&2


    It’s important to note that these descriptions are often rooted in spiritual or metaphysical belief systems, and the understanding and interpretation of such concepts can vary among individuals. Whether one sees dragons as symbolic archetypes, spiritual guides, or representations of certain energies, the key is often in the personal meaning and connection that individuals derive from these practices.

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    Dragons of Light and Empowerment Reiki


    As with any spiritual or energy healing system, personal experiences with these practices may vary. Individuals interested in exploring these concepts may find it beneficial to approach them with an open mind, a sense of personal discernment, and a willingness to explore their own spiritual journey.

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    DragonWinds Healing


    It’s important to note that such descriptions are often part of alternative or holistic belief systems, and individual experiences with these practices can vary. If you’re interested in exploring DragonWinds or similar energy systems, it’s advisable to do so with an open mind and a sense of personal discernment.

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    Dynamic Sacred Space


    This structure appears to draw upon the energetic properties of ethereal nickel and ethereal taenite, and the geometric shape of the hexoctahedron for spiritual protection and the creation of a sacred space.

    It’s important to note that the effectiveness and understanding of such practices can vary widely among individuals and belief systems. Different spiritual traditions may have their own interpretations of symbols, energies, and rituals. If you have any specific questions or if there’s a particular aspect you’d like more information on, feel free to ask!

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    Earth Diamond Positive Vibration Empowerment


    Immerse yourself in the radiant energies of the Earth Diamond Positive Vibration Empowerment. Effortlessly clear negativity from your aura and surroundings, inviting a flood of positive energy for healing, empowerment, and manifestation. Experience a quick and intensive transformation, welcoming happiness and unconditional love into your life.

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    Elemental Spirit Whisperer


    The Elemental Spirit Whisperer Genetic Awakening Attunement is a transformative journey designed to awaken dormant genetic codes within your physical body. Unlock conscious awareness, psychic communication, and a heightened sense of Reiki Energy. This attunement empowers you to sense changes in matter and the membranes between different dimensional realities. Unleash true power by gaining the cooperation of the sentient awareness within, opening doors to a realm of possibilities previously unseen.

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    Elven Energy Empowerment Lightwork


    Step into the realm of courage and confidence with the Elven Energy Empowerment Lightwork. This transformative system connects you with the radiant energies of Elves, beings known for their bravery and positive knowledge. Embrace the true essence of courage, success, and confidence as the Elves guide you to triumph over challenges, reconnect with your roots, and manifest the life you desire. Be ready for the intense yet empowering journey that the Elves bring, urging you to grow and become your authentic self.

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    Emerald Light Vortex


    Embark on a transformative journey with the Emerald Light Vortex, a channeled attunement that empowers you to discover and unleash your deep creative energies. Stand firmly in your personal power, align with the heart chakra, and identify/release core issues hindering your spiritual journey. Experience an incredible sense of peace and harmony, enveloping your heart, soul, and spirit. Learn to align with natural forces for holistic rejuvenation of mind, body, and spirit. A key to unlocking your creative potential and enhancing spiritual well-being.

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    Emotional Care


    Experience profound emotional healing with Emotional Care Energies, designed to dissipate the impact of false truths and untruths. Rooted in the philosophy of speaking truth, this system addresses the destructive force of gossip and untruths, replacing feelings of helplessness and anger with a deep sense of inner peace. Heal emotional wounds caused by lies and align with the transformative power of truthful living for a fulfilling life.

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    Empowerment Reiki


    Step into your Inner Power with Empowerment Reiki, a transformative system curated for Reiki Practitioners by Stephanie Brail. This teaching document serves as a roadmap, allowing your Inner Light to shine brightly, aligning with your life purpose and spiritual path. Dive into the sequential attunements, symbols, and hand movements that cover grounding, releasing resistance, summoning light, integration, and alignment. This empowering journey culminates in the final attunement, guiding you to step into your power by clearing remaining obstacles. Elevate your spiritual practice, contribute positively to the planet, and embrace the powerful spiritual being that you are through the wisdom of Empowerment Reiki.

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    Energetic Magick of John Dee Empowerment


    The John Dee Enlightenment Attunement is a gateway to the mystical realms of a philosopher, astrologer, and magician. Guided by the high and pure energies of John Dee, this attunement provides an encoded connection that leads to inner enlightenment, growth, and expanded consciousness. As you immerse yourself in the transformative energies, witness the amplification of your magickal abilities and the elevation of psychic awareness. Gain a fresh perspective on the Angelic Realms and uncover the ancient wisdom that will shape your mystical journey. Embrace the wisdom of John Dee and let his magic guide you towards profound insights and spiritual expansion.

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    Energy and Magic of the Fairies


    The Energy and Magic of the Fairies Attunement opens a portal to the enchanting Fairy Realms and elemental energies embedded in Mother Earth. Activate your chakras, delve into the symbolic language encoded in your Auric Field, and explore the diverse inhabitants of the Fairy Realm. This attunement not only offers spiritual insights but also serves as a guide to navigate the intricate tapestry of fairy energies. Embark on a magical journey, receiving wisdom, lessons, and assistance from Nature, Metal, Air, Water, Psi, Light, Stone, Chaos, Energy, Fire, Darkness, and Ice Fairies. Unleash the power of fairy energy to enrich your spiritual path and bring enchantment into your life.

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    Energy Protection of Archangel Michael


    The Energy Protection of Archangel Michael offers a divine shield for your energy work, addressing concerns about safety and ensuring a pure and positive flow of energy. By invoking Archangel Michael’s protective energies, you create a Golden Protective Orb that acts as a formidable barrier against negative influences. This attunement serves as a beacon of trust and confidence, allowing you to engage in various energy work activities with the assurance that you are under the watchful protection of Archangel Michael, the guardian of light. Embrace the divine shielding and fortify your healing journey with the powerful energies of Archangel Michael.

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    Energy Vampire Removal & Protection


    The Energy Vampire Removal and Protection System empowers individuals to recognize, address, and protect themselves from the draining dynamics of Energy Vampires. By cleansing, removing energy cords, repairing and strengthening the auric field, establishing a protective shield, and facilitating a soul-to-soul conversation, this system provides a comprehensive approach to reclaiming control over your energy exchange. Embrace the tools and insights offered by this system to navigate relationships with resilience, clarity, and compassion. Take charge of your energy and well-being, ensuring a balanced and harmonious exchange with those around you.

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    Ethereal Anointing Reiki


    Ethereal Anointing Reiki bridges the spiritual practice of anointing with energetic healing, offering practitioners a unique and powerful approach to healing and empowerment. By incorporating this modality into healing sessions, individuals can deepen their connection to divine energies, enhance traditional healing abilities, and potentially experience sensory manifestations, such as the energetic presence of oil. As with any energy healing practice, clear intention, focused visualization, and a sacred mindset are essential for optimal results. Embrace the sacred tradition of anointing in combination with the ethereal energies of Reiki for a transformative and spiritually enriching healing experience.

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    Etheric Crystals of Avalon Lightwork


    Immerse yourself in the mystical energies of the Etheric Crystals of Avalon Lightwork, a journey that blends the magic of Avalon with three unique Etheric Crystals representing the Spiritual Trinity. Harmonizing Mind, Body, and Spirit, this lightwork elevates your vibration, supports manifestation, and aligns with Higher Spiritual Laws for joy and happiness in your spiritual journey.

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    Excalibur Reiki


    Excalibur Reiki invites you to embark on a transformative journey, wielding the energies of the legendary Sword of Truth. Connect with the archetypal energies of Ascended Master Merlin and the Lady of the Light, unlocking the keys to manifestation and healing. Whether you seek success, happiness, or well-being, Excalibur Reiki provides a simple yet potent pathway to shape and create the life you desire. Embrace the Sword of Truth and let its energies guide you on your journey of empowerment and transformation.

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    Eye Care


    The Eye Care Empowerment System offers a holistic and personalized approach to eye care, incorporating both spiritual and physical aspects. Activate energies for general eye health and tailor your experience by re-activating specific functions to address unique needs. Elevate your overall well-being, enhance your spiritual vision, and enjoy improved clarity in your physical sight. With this comprehensive system, nurture and empower your eyes on a holistic journey of vision care.

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    Fairy Realms Reiki

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    Fearless Reiki
